Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A new year...2013

In with the new out with the old! I love fresh starts and New adventures , and that's whats New years is all about ! I have lots to work on , Lots to do better at, This I need to improve as a mom and wife. I want to get better and learn new things and Im looking forward to all of it ! So here is just my top New years goals and dreams for 2013...
1. Get Fit ... and Im, going to do that by ...Goal 1. NO FAST FOOD!! I know its going to hard but I figure If I don't eat it , neither will my kids and I want them to learn how to eat healthy good food.. This also helps me try to not be on the run as much and pre plan.. ,meals and snacks ! Win win right !

2. Zumba ... I LOVE it .. I just need to make time and go 2x a week Tuesday and Thursday ... to my classes .. NO skipping .. which should not be hard for me cause its AWESOME , and I really do LOVE it 1

3.Write on my blog at least 2 times a week, updating it about my family m what the kids are doing , whats new .. Its important its my journal and Its my families life and memories It needs to be done!

4.Read the Book of Mormon again.. and have it finished by July 1 2013!

5. BUY a New house...

6. Take 2 more photography classes! and expand out!

7. Save up so Dec 2013 Bradshaw and I can book us a Trip to take ALONE with no kids to a hot beautiful destination for 7 whole Days !

8. Learn something new.... couple Ideas I have .. a Language.. Piano lessons... Bradshaw and I go back to ballroom classes

9. Read more books !

10.. Go to bed every night by 11pm !

I want to hear all about your New years goals ... What are you working on this 2013?

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