Saturday, August 11, 2012

life with Abbi...

*This post is at least a month and half old...and has been sitting in my drafts .. I think its time I finally post it .better late then never right?

Life with Abbi has been  1. amazing 2. enjoyable 3. lots of HARD work but very rewarding!
We have been busy this past 7 weeks since we have had her , and I find my time to sit down and write on my blog is not happening as much as I would like..I would actually just be happy with finding a few spare minutes just to sit down and breath at all.... so I thought cause I might have about 15 mins before someone interrupts me I would do a quick over view from what we have been up to this past month...

To actually go back farther then a month the day before I was induced Bradshaw in the middle of the night had sever pain and I ended up calling my mom ( which I then had to inform her I was not calling cause I was in labor) to come over to watch the boys so I could take him into the hospital , of course when I walked in everyone thought it was for me , Bradshaw was so embarrassed, here we are sitting in the hospital for serve pain and contraction like cramping he was having in his stomach... and I being 10 days over sat there most of the night watching him... a little backwards..and kinda funny though in the moment I would never think about saying that...or the fact that I was almost 100% positive the pain was no were near the pain I was going to be going through in the coming day..but I let him think it was! now fast forward 6 weeks .. since that night he has had 2 more attacks one that was so bad we again had to take him in.. this time though I had to drag 3 kids into the hospital ... after again some morphine everything felt better and a ultra sound was ordered... were waiting for the results, will get them Monday..but they think its his gallbladder!

we also bought a tent trailer... a older one but it has so much room and has the best layout and super clean.. we love it .. there some work that needs to be done on it but so far no major complaints , I guess we Will find out when we take it on our first camping trip!

Hayden had his mothers day tea this past month, I was so excited to attend with him. My wonderful friend Jen watched grayson and me and Abbi got dressed up and went out.. he escorted me to my chair gave me a beautiful flower , made out of a coffee filter, kissed my cheek and then sat on my lap... first we got cake and punch , then they sang to us.... after we got cards they made for was a wonderful mothers day...Bradshaw that night made me dinner roast beef and all the fixings and we had great grandma over to help celebrate... I felt very loved and appreciated, which is all I wanted for a present.... it feels good to know all your hard work you put in is noticed and also appreciated. I would not change anything about being a mom...its wonderful!!

I recently got released from being the young women's 2nd counselor, and I was sad to be done... I love the girls so much and enjoyed everything about them and the program..but I do feel some relief in having little more time to spend at home with my family.. one less stress to worry about during the week...though I will miss the girls so so much!

Michaela graduated from high school.. I felt like she was getting married I had the proud big sister feelings all day, and she looked stunning with her dress and hair all done. We took her out to some places around town and took some pictures for her , they turned out great! I was glad I could spend the day with her and the rest of my family , she is a great girl and Im excited for her to start the next phase in life... she will do great at it whatever she chooses!

we also ventured out a couple weeks ago on one o Bradshaws days off, and went to Calgary to hit up the Calgary zoo, it rained so we ended up going to the new science center.. i must say i was not to impressed maybe i just don't like school anymore then i did 10 years ago , but it was boring , the kids did not mind it but so not worth the money , so we headed over to the zoo anyways and hung out there .. that was way better, much more enjoyable and we had the whole place to ourselves...

Now to Abbi , she was been wonderful this past 3 weeks... I'm always sad to see my babies grow .. I'm not going to lie I like it when there tiny and it always make me a little depressed when they start to get some fat on them.. but then the next stage comes and I love that stage also .. she is just so cute with her chubby cheeks ... she is still my little one out of the three. She is the best baby.. so well behaved.. she likes to be awake way more during the day, but she often just sits in her bouncer watching the boys or me...every once and awhile she wants to just be held , but I love those moments so I can take a moment, forget about everything else and just snuggle her. she still likes to eat every hour or so when she is awake which sometime can make it hard . but when she is asleep she sleeps amazing... I noticed a schedule forming pretty early with her... she would nap around the same time and was going to bed between 7pm-8pm and this past week she has been going to bed and staying asleep for 6-8 hours and then I will feed her and she will fall back to sleep until 8am ish... she is amazing... i love sleep.. honestly if i new I could have more girls like her I could have a few more kids....
the boys love her so much ... Hayden can not take his hands of her , he has to be in every picture we take and always kissing her and loving her.. which about drives Bradshaw and i crazy but  its good to see she will be very much loved and defiantly protected...

Abbigaile is now 2 months and a week old, I feel like she has gotten to the stage were you start to stop counting the weeks, i now have to stop and think about how old she is.. she is smiling a ton now , she loves her daddy and Hayden they just have to look at her and she smiles and cues for them. She is starting to get such a great personality....she us such a happy baby.

1 comment:

Colin and Cynthi said...

What a cutie pie. Love her!